“The name?”, March 2009

No comment needed…

Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2009 09:50:50
To: hello@roundcube.net
Subject: The name?

Why is it called "Roundcube"?

That is so silly and non-intuitive. As a matter of fact, it's very counter-intuitive.

A cube cannot be round. (It could be rounded, but not actually round.)

It is impossible to imagine such a fictional entity as well.

It is impossible to portray such a non existent thing, as is evidenced by the silly logo.

The logo portrays a cubic thing (not actually a cube there) that has either had a sphere stuffed into it, or a semi-sphere set upon it.

But it is definitely not a roundcube, whatever that is.

Why would you even need such a thing as a round cube? We have sphere's and circles to take care of that for us.

And even if you could conceive an object that would fill both a cube-shaped and sphere-shaped void at the same time, we wouldn't need that either, because we have silly putty, water, expanding spray foam, light and other neat things for that.

I really have problems saying, or even typing "Roundcube" because of the inherent retardedness of that "word".

As a result, it is also a challenge for me to use it as a mail client, which is sad, because other than the ill-conceived name it beats the other options hands down.

It's an excellent mail client, with a very unfortunate name. Hard to imagine someone having the resources to create the mail client, yet simultaneously capable of naming it "Roundcube".

